Revolutionize Your Understanding of Marketing with The Marketing 6.0 Handbook by Samuel Mayol

📘🚀 Dive into the world of modern marketing with Samuel Mayol's brand new book, "Marketing 6.0 Handbook". An invaluable resource for students and professionals seeking to master the challenges of contemporary marketing.

Discover Samuel Mayol's new book: "Manuel de Marketing 6.0".

Samuel Mayol, marketing expert.

👨‍🏫📚 Samuel Mayol, research director at ICD Business School and HDR lecturer at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, is a recognized expert in the field of marketing. With solid expertise and practical experience, he guides readers through the complexities of today's marketing landscape.

More than a book, an educational tool.

🎯📊 The Marketing 6.0 Handbook offers a comprehensive approach to contemporary marketing by integrating artificial intelligence, an increasingly essential dimension in today's business landscape. As a pedagogical tool, this book provides not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical case studies to illustrate how marketing concepts apply in the real world. This approach aligns perfectly with ICD Business School's mission to provide a quality, relevant education to prepare our students for success in ever-changing professional environments.

A resource for developing skills

📈💡 In addition to offering an in-depth understanding of fundamental marketing concepts, The Marketing Handbook 6.0 emphasizes the growing importance of personalization and customer engagement in modern marketing strategy. ICD Business School students will benefit from this customer-centric approach, preparing them to navigate effectively in an increasingly competitive marketplace. This book proves to be much more than just an academic textbook; it is a valuable resource for developing the practical skills and strategic vision needed to succeed in the professional world of today and tomorrow.

🎓🌐 Whether you're a marketing student looking to deepen your knowledge or a professional looking to stay on top of the latest trends, Samuel Mayol's "Marketing 6.0 Handbook" is a must-have in your library.

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