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Private higher technical education institution

Site published by the ICD.
Non-profit organization under the law from July 1, 1901. As the managing authority of the ICD private technical higher education establishment,
Whose headquarters are located at 1, rue Jacques Bingen – 75017 PARIS. Registered at INSEE under SIREN# 318.147.402
Represented by :

  • Publication director : BOUCHENTOUF Faroudja
  • Editorial director : BOUCHENTOUF Faroudja
  • Site manager : Mrs. Elise COHEN



  • Creation and production: The IGS Group’s Department of Communications & Marketing in collaboration with Kaliop agency.
  • Photo credits: IGS Group, Adobe Stock
  • Web host: OVH SAS, RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045, Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.



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