Bachelor in Management Sciences

In the first year of your Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences, you can choose between one of the following career paths Business Development or Event Management. The Business Development pathway, enables students to specialize in the fields of commerce, marketing and development, and to gain solid professional experience through alternance. The Event Management pathway, enables students to specialize in the field of event management, digital andresponsible in order to enter the new territories of the sector's professions.

bachelor in management sciences

Key points



  • 1st year: Bachelor's degree
  • Parallel admission: Bac+1 and Bac+2

Back to school

Paris: September 2024



  • Path Business Development
  • Path Event Management


1 semester of study at a partner university in 2nd year
Possibility of international double degree in 3rd year



Students from the European Union: €8,450
Students from outside the European Union: €8,650
Possibility of work-study in 3rd year for the Bachelor Course Business Development only

fond rouge


The three years of our Bachelor's degree in Business School in Paris are a unique international experience. During your three years of study, you'll also have the opportunity to gain solid professional experience through internships or work-study programs. The Bachelor en Sciences du Management team and professors at ICD Business School will be happy to support you individually in this adventure, and to give you all the help you need to successfully complete your projects.

Bachelor en Sciences du Management, diplôme « DipViGrL - Responsable du développement commercial et marketing » de l'ICD, niveau 6, visé par le ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche et conférant le grade de Licence, enregistré au RNCP n° 37713, niveau 6 (EU), codes NSF 310-313, par arrêté du 14 février 2022, publié au BOESR du 10 mars 2022
path business dev


Training objectives

The ICD Business School's Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences, Business Development pathway, offers rapid professionalization and an international academic curriculum conferring the Grade de Licence and recognition by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The program benefits from the recognition, reputation and network strength of a leading business school. It is based on a pedagogical approach geared towards professionalization.

The first two years enable students to learn the fundamentals of the business and development professions through the program, internships and the international semester in the 2nd year.


Career opportunities after the Bachelor's degree

The Bachelor's degree in Business Development benefits from the recognition, reputation and network strength of a leading business school, the ICD Business School. As a result, graduates of this Bachelor's program can look forward to two follow-up experiences;

Start your professional career

Trained with 20 months' accumulated professional experience, graduates can join any company in the sales and marketing field, or set up their own businesses. Students can join any of the following positions: 

  • Store manager
  • Management manager customer.
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Export Area Manager
  • Brand manager
  • Merchandiser manager
  • CRM Manager
  • Business developer




Continuing your studies towards a Bac+4/5 degree

  • Grande Ecole program, accredited to BAC+5 conferring Master's degree and EFMD Accredited.
  • Master of Sciences (MSc) programs, accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
  • MBA Commerce & Digital Marketing - Application submitted to France Compétences for renewal of RNCP certification
  • MBA Commerce & Marketing de Luxe - Application submitted to France Compétences for renewal of RNCP certification



Highlights of path business development

  • 1 diploma conferring the Grade de Licence, level Bac+3, controlled by the State
  • 3rd year sandwich course a gateway to employment
  • Professionalization and international experience from the first year onwards
  • Practical, action-oriented teaching thanks to the Nego Lab
  • 1 team of expert teachers
  • Professional network and promising career opportunities thanks to the ICD Alumni professional network
  • Dedicated company days 
  • 80 partner universities worldwide
  • 10 to 12 months' professional experience
  • No. 2 in the ranking for its proximity to businesses (Palmarès 2020 des écoles de Commerce post-bac en 3 ans L'Étudiant)


bachelor path event management


Training objectives

The ICD Business School's Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences, Event Management pathway, offers rapid professionalization and an international academic pathway conferring the Grade de Licence and recognition by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

The first two years enable students to learn the fundamentals of the event industry through the program, internships and the international semester in 2nd year. The 3rd year focuses on specialization and international openness, with a 100% English-language program taught by international event industry professionals.

Le + du Bachelor Event Management : il s'agit d'une formation reconnue par UNIMEV!

As the event industry is constantly evolving, it has had to adapt to a hybrid market, redefining the way in which events are designed for this sector. This makes it the training of excellence for all those wishing to enter the new territories of the events industry.



The Bachelor in Event Management is the ideal course for all those who wish to enter the new world of event management. It benefits from the recognition, reputation and network strength of a leading business school, the ICD Business School. As a result, graduates of this Bachelor's program can look forward to two post-graduate careers.

Start your professional career

Trained with 20 months' accumulated professional experience, graduates can join any company in the events, business and marketing functions, or set up their own businesses. Students can join any of the following positions:

  • Event Project Manager
  • Event organizer
  • cultural and artistic
  • Event organizer sports.
  • Events organizer charitable.
  • Business event manager
  • Communications manager for events.
  • Show Administrator





Continuing your studies towards a BAC+4/5 degree

  • Grande Ecole program, accredited to Bac+5 conferring Master's degree and EFMD Accredited.
  • Master of Sciences (MSc) programs, accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
  • MBA Commerce & Digital Marketing - Application submitted to France Compétences for renewal of RNCP certification
  • MBA Commerce & Marketing de Luxe - Application submitted to France Compétences for renewal of RNCP certification



Highlights of the Management Event path

  • 1 diploma conferring the Grade de Licence, level Bac+3, controlled by the State
  • 3 years of study
  • Professionalization and international experience from the first year onwards
  • Pedagogy focused on practice and action 
  • Developing management and leadership skills with Event Lab
  • 1 team of expert teachers
  • Professional network and promising career opportunities thanks to the ICD Alumni professional network
  • 72 partner universities worldwide
  • 10 to 12 months' professional experience
  • No. 2 in the ranking for its proximity to businesses (Palmarès 2020 des écoles de Commerce post-bac en 3 ans L'Étudiant)





Join a post-bac Grande École de Commerce


1ʳᵉ year

You are currently in your final year of high school:

For entry into the 1ʳᵉ year of the Grande École Program, registration is via the PARCOURSUP platform. ICD Business School will send you details of how to take the written and oral exams once you have made your choices, according to the timetable provided by your lycée.



  • Conditions: Obtainment of the Baccalauréat or equivalent.



2ᵉ and 3ᵉ year

For entry into the 2nd or 3rd year, registration is made directly with the ICD Business School. All you need to do is return your application to the ICD Business School at least 7 days before the date of your chosen entrance exam. You will then receive an invitation to sit the written and oral exams on the ICD Business School campus on the same day.

  • Conditions 2nd year: Obtainment of the Baccalauréat and a certificate of successful completion of a 1st year of study (60 ECTS acquired) in connection with the program options.
  • Conditions for 3rd year: Obtainment of the Baccalauréat and a qualification or diploma validating a Bac+2 cycle (120 ECTS acquired at another establishment, BTS, Licence 2...) in line with the program options.