Supporting ICD
Recognised as a higher education institution with specialist training expertise in sales and marketing, ICD prepares your future and current talent for successful careers. The business school has chosen to offer cutting edge courses in its areas of expertise that put the international business dimension at the heart of its programmes of study. In a fast-moving international environment requiring commitment and vision, ICD needs to establish partnerships with the world of practice in order to enable the school to maintain its lead.
Train your co-workers
Recognised as a higher education institution with specialist training expertise in sales and marketing, ICD prepares your future and current talent for successful careers. The business school has chosen to offer cutting edge courses in its areas of expertise that put the international business dimension at the heart of its programmes of study. We offer companies a catalogue of continuing education courses specifically designed for working professionals.
Your business organisation is welcome to join our network of corporate partners and benefit from the support the school can provide for your recruitment initiatives. Our business school doors are always open to further develop a vibrant partnership network.
Recruiting an ICD student
Founded nearly 40 years ago, ICD has 2 campuses located in France, 2 overseas campuses, a network of more than 6,500 alumni and a recognised expertise in the field of international sales, marketing and events management.
If your company is currently recruiting, then ICD’s teams are available to assist you in promoting your employment opportunities to our graduates and help you find the ideal applicant.