Why choose ICD?

ICD is a leading Grande Ecole business school, established from more than 40 years and recognized for the quality of its courses and its innovative pedagogical approach. The school is constantly looking to reinvent its programmes in order to meet the requirements of the employment market. ICD has developed solid international partnerships and its courses have a strong international dimension, enabling its graduates to become professionals equipped with a wide range of skills for success in multicultural busines environments.

etudiants icd

Choose ICD for your future success

Thanks to our partnerships and training expertise developed over a number of years, we offer our students: 

  • A range of recognised courses, 
  • Expertise in sales, marketing and business development, 
  • International study options and dual degree tracks,
  • Development of their potential for immediate employability and future career success.



Our mission is to train future professionals in the art of responsible business development, sales, marketing and purchasing, offering them the skills and expertise to play an active role in the development of organisations and contribute to a sustainable economy in a digital and international environment. ICD prepares students to work and innovate together differently in a complex and unpredictable world, by promoting social commitment and cultural openness while upholding ethical values and embracing diversity.


ICD is a pioneer and a leading school for responsible business and digital technology. We are conscious of global economic and social changes and are committed to promote a vision of business that makes a positive impact by addressing major contemporary issues related to data, the environment, innovation and interculturality in a variety of fields : from start-ups to retail, from distribution to banking.


ICD’s activities and programmes are guided by the founding values of IGENSIA Education Group (formerly IGS Group) found in the HEP Charter, namely: Humanism, Entrepreneurship and Professionalism. These values are reflected in an openness to the world and to others; projects that encourage innovation and collaboration; and teaching that is professionally oriented.

ICD Recognitions at the highest level

ICD’s programmes are officially approved by the French State.

The School is also a member of the French Federation of Business and Engineering Schools (CGE) and the Union of Independent Business and Engineering Schools (UGEI).

cefdg grade master

Our Grande Ecole Management Programme is accredited by the French State. In France, less than 40 business schools are authorised by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research & Innovation to award a business degree qualification at Masters level, known as the ‘Grade de Master’.

visa Bac+3

The Bachelor’s degree programmes run by ICD are also fully certified by the State.

ICD develops students with a true international dimension


Studying at ICD will offer you a thorough preparation for an international business career. This focus begins in year 1 with the option of following an orientation seminar abroad and then a full semester abroad in a partner university.

Following this, ICD offers a range of unique options enabling students to further specialise in international business. For example, the Intercultural Management Semester, or the Franco-Chinese track that lasts a full 5 years.

This international dimension offers a major added value to the CVs of our future graduates.

ICD, A powerful commitment to education


ICD wishes to remain a business school with a human dimension that is committed to its students’ welfare and to developing their talent by deploying a personalized tutoring system. We support our students through the ‘3C programme’ (Counselling, Coaching, Careers) to meet the needs of our future graduates in terms of their career development.

ICD, a stepping stone to employment


With 98.5% of our students finding full-time employment within 6 months of graduating, ICD has established a strong reputation within the job market. We prepare our students for employment thanks to courses focusing on the international dimension of business and offering numerous opportunities for work experience through placements, internships and work-study or apprenticeship schemes.

ICD, a team of specialists committed to our students


Our fully committed teaching teams play a major role in the success of the school’s students. Each student benefits from personal tutoring to develop their employability. This work begins straight away in year 1, in order to build up a relationship that guarantees they will realise their career ambitions.

ICD, a powerful network


ICD students benefit in many ways from a wide-reaching and powerful network :

  • They have automatic access to the IGENSIA Education Group (formerly IGS Group) network,
  • They receive support from our corporate partners,
  • They can connect with more than 8 000 alumni
  • And are offered a wide range of exciting opportunities at our international university partner institutions.

ICD, special importance given to art & culture


The school believes strongly in the power of culture in leveraging widening participation and creating career opportunities. The Humanities, Culture, the Arts and Sport are therefore important aspects of our courses and also the extra-curricular activities on offer to students, such as the Urb’art Street Art Festival organised by IGS Group, inter-school sports competitions or the wide range of student clubs and societies.

These activities contribute to developing our students’ open-mindedness, their critical thinking skills and creative potential will be a stepping stone for the integration of students into the world of work and wider society.

ICD, an experiential learning approach


The educational model we have chosen has the following characteristics :

  • It requires commitment from our students, who are expected to work hard,
  • It has a real-world component, involving case studies that stem from existing situations,
  • It is interactive, with students encouraged to engage with others,
  • It has an international dimension thanks to its course content, a multi-cultural team and its choice of optional modules,
  • It is stimulating for students by being regularly updated to meet the needs of the employment market.


Opening up a world of possible with ICD

Today I’m a Strategic Account Executive at a digital marketing software solutions company.  When I passed my high school exams, I made my choice quite quickly to study at ICD once I’d understood that the school was one of the few to allow their students to not fix any limits, that encouraged them to fulfill their ambitions and that inspired them to think out of the box.  When I arrived at the school, the first thing that struck me was the fantastic atmosphere on campus.  Just like the other students, I didn’t really yet know what I wanted to do as a job, but anything seemed to be possible!   In particular, I would say that the various business placements I did in France and overseas were especially rewarding from a personal and professional perspective.  Between import/export in China, finance in Canada and sales in France, they really helped me find my career path.

ICD Specialist MBA in Customer Relationship Management 2006 Cohort
Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Strategic Account Executive