Recognitions and accreditations

ICD Business School is fully accredited by the French Government (Official Bulletin, 19 August 2004). We have received numerous recognitions and accreditations, making us one of the leading Business Schools in France.


Recognized diplomas

ICD Business School programs are subject to various types of recognition.



Diploma obtained on completion of training

Master's Degree - Grande École Program

Level 7

ICD Business School diploma approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, conferring the grade of Master, registered with the RNCP no. 37714, level 7 (EU), NSF codes 310, 312, by France Compétences decision dated June 25, 2021

EFMD Accredited Programme

Bachelor of Science in Management

Level 6 Bachelor en Sciences du Management, diploma "DipViGrL - Responsable du Développement Commercial et Marketing" from ICD, approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, conferring the grade of Licence, registered in RNCP no. 39556, level 6 (EU), NSF codes 310-313, by order of February 12, 2024, published in BOESR n° 10 of March 7, 2024, modified by order of June 17, 2024, published in BOESR n° 26 of June 27, 2024 and designating ICD-IGS as certifier

Bachelor Business and Marketing

Level 6

Certified title ICD "Responsable d'Activité Commerciale et Marketing" registered with RNCP n° 38808 at level 6 (EU), NSF code 312, by registration decision of France Compétences dated March 27, 2024, eligible CPF.

This title is also accessible via the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).

MBA Marketing and Customer Relationship Manager

Level 7

Certified title ICD "Manager du Marketing et de la Relation Client", registered with RNCP no. 38938, level 7 (EU), NSF codes 310-312, by registration decision of France Compétences dated April 26, 2024, eligible CPF.

Title also accessible by the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).

ICD Business School is a member of prestigious school networks

Conférences des Grandes Écoles

Created in 1973, the CGE (association loi 1901) brings together the best schools, all recognized by the State, delivering a Master's degree. ICD Business School joined the Conférence des Grandes Écoles in 2019.

ICD, école de commerce, membre de la conférence des grandes écoles


The UGEI was created in 1993 as an association under the French law of 1901, to unite the engineering and management grandes écoles, which were recognized by their desire for independence. Over the years, 37 grandes écoles have become members of the association. ICD Business School joined the UGEI in 2018.



Founded in 1972, EFMD is a global organization dedicated to management development. It is recognized worldwide as an accrediting body for business schools, business school programs and corporate universities.


Our national certifications and quality labels


The Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE) is a Public Utility Foundation, created by the public authorities by decree on May 15, 1968. FNEGE's principal mission is to develop and promote higher management education in France, and to raise it to a level of excellence.


Grade de Master

Issued by the French state, the Master's degree is one of four higher education degrees recognized at European level.

Diplôme de l'ICD conférant le Grade de Master

Grade de Licence

The Bachelor's degree is a new label initiated in January 2021 for Bachelors, these bac+3-level courses at colleges of higher education.

Diplôme de l'ICD conférant le Grade de Licence

Master of Science labellisé CGE

Created in 2002, the MSc - Master of Science label of the Conférence des grandes écoles is awarded to a course of study leading to a 5-year higher education diploma.

ICD, école de commerce, membre de la conférence des grandes écoles

Our international certifications and quality labels

EFMD Accredited Programme

EFMD has awarded the EFMD Accredited Master label to ICD Business School's Programme Grande Ecole (PGE), confirming the academic excellence and professionalization of one of the world's leading programs.


Bienvenue en France

The "Bienvenue en France" label is awarded to establishments wishing to highlight their welcome arrangements. It is awarded for 4 years by Campus France and validated by an independent commission.

Bienvenue en France

Erasmus +

The Erasmus program is an exchange program for students and teachers between European universities, grandes écoles and educational establishments around the world. This program subsidizes mobility.


Campus France

ICD Business School is a member of Forum Campus France, the French Agency for the Promotion of Higher Education, Hospitality and International Mobility, which aims to enhance and promote the French higher education and vocational training system abroad.

Campus France


Quality Approach

For several years now, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS)'s establishments have been committed to a Quality Approach that has resulted in numerous awards. To continue improving our services, we are always ready to listen to you.

If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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