LaRA, the Applied Research Laboratory at ICD, supports the individual publication activities of faculty members, while ensuring the overall coherence of research activities within the professional poles. ICD's research aims to understand the transformations underway in the field of business development, to innovate with new approaches that respond to the contextual and structural complexity of global business, and to identify the new professional skills needed by employers.



ICD created the LaRa Applied Research Laboratory in order to develop teaching approaches based on and informed by participative research activities. LaRa is a laboratory in which researchers supervise students, placing them in situations that require them to understand and analyse through the use of research methodologies.
Currently, the laboratory focuses on five applied research projects in which pedagogy and research overlap. Students work on new questions and emerging practices. The professors, for their part, therefore have at their disposal a large number of interviewers and data collectors. Two main drivers are used to manage the faculty in our research teams :

  • Publication bonuses that are tailored to the individual circumstances of each professor to support their work and underpin the publication policy,
  • The organisation of research areas based on the principles of communities of practice to build a stronger identity and sense of unity within the research team


Jacques IGALENS Chair University Professor of Management - Toulouse School of Management. Honorary President of the International Social Audit Institute (Institut international de l'audit social-IAS) and of the Association for Human Resource Management (Association de gestion des ressources humaines-AGRH)
Olivier BADOT External academic member Director of Research at ESCP. Associate Professor at the University of Caen School of Management (IAE).
Frédéric DEJEAN External academic member Professor of Management at Paris Dauphine University (DRM-MOST). Joint Chief Editor of the Responsible Organisation Review (la Revue de l’Organisation Responsible).
Jean-Philippe DENIS External academic member University Professor of Management. Chief Editor of the French Management Review (la Revue française de gestion).
Pierre-Louis DUBOIS External academic member Former General Delegate of the French Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE).
Denis JEFFREY International partner representative Tenured Professor at the University of Laval in Quebec. Director of the Institute for Education Sciences (l’Institut des sciences de l’éducation) at the University of Laval.
Florence NOGUERA External academic member University Professor of Management at University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, PhD in Management and qualified to supervise research (HDR). Full University Professor of Management (Agrégé).
Jean-Michel PLANE External academic member Full University Professor of Management (Agrégé) at University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 and Honorary President the Association for Human Resource Management (Association de gestion des ressources humaines-AGRH).
Philippe TASSI External professional member Former Managing Director of Médiamétrie.


LaRA currently conducts five major projects in the field of applied research :

  • Data Challenges
  • The Observatory for PermaSales and PermaDistribution
  • The Observatory for New Practices in the Banking Professions
  • The Future Sales Professions Portal
  • Research seminars in conjunction with the DICEN-CNAM Laboratory


The researchers in the "Digital, Big data and AI" area began launching these challenges in 2018. Using the data provided by a company (sorted beforehand and rendered anonymous), the students process, analyse and highlight the relevant details. Our professors already work with data from a bank and a major telephone operator, which enables them to publish research articles each year. These events are an opportunity to build important links between research and business and between research and teaching.


Created in partnership with OP Commerce, this portal aims to bring to light new sales and distribution practices. Based on the studies available in each sector, the work done by the portal will answer questions related to the consequences of the changes experienced in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and, more broadly, with contemporary societal and technological transformations.


More than 250 ICD students work in banks each year. For two years now, they have been asking themselves about their needs and their new professional practices, which has become the subject of an annual survey. By following their professional and managerial career paths, our researchers and partner banks have access to data that allows them to monitor the evolution of young professionals in retail banking. This Observatory will give rise to seminars for discussion with professionals from the banking sector, mainly HRDs, as well as to academic publications.


In partnership with the DOJO Economic Innovation Research Centre, a research observatory is being set up, bringing together key account managers from a number of sectors. The work that will be carried out will provide input for academic conferences that are open to a wider public and will be used to organise conferences and workshops for practitioners. These activities will enable LaRA to take a leadership role in the field of Perma-economics in the sales and distribution sectors and to position itself on new concepts and methods of analysis. Monthly seminars are thus organised on the theme of "Sales: what culture of rupture and/or continuity: change of paradigm? ". This work will give rise to a major conference in 2022 as well as various publications including a book.


These seminars will be co-organised with the CNAM's DICEN Research Laboratory. Two series of research seminars are planned for 2020-21: the first will focus on new managerial practices, the second on social entrepreneurship. At the end of this work, publications will be produced as part of an international conference on these themes.