MBA Marketing and Customer Relationship Manager

The MBA Marketing and Customer Relationship Manager develops the company's customer-centric sales and marketing strategy and steers its implementation, with a view to developing sales to win market share and generate economic added value, in full coherence with the company's general policy, and with a strong results orientation.





  • 1st year : Bac+3

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  • Paris : September 2024
  • Toulouse : Entry October 2024: 2 semester courses + 6-month internship


  • Digital path - Paris
  • Luxe path - Paris
  • International Business Development path - Paris/Toulouse


  • Internship
  • Conference seminar and company visits: Business in Europe


  • Possibility of work-study - Only for Paris programs.
  • Back to school October 2024 Paris/Toulouse : 12 000,00 €
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A 2-year course

The Marketing and Customer Relationship Manager is the customer's spokesperson and guarantor of a customer-centric organization within the company, operating in a context of widespread omnichannelity, ultra-digitization and increased competition.
He is the bearer of a 360° customer strategy, combining all channels of customer relations and online and offline marketing communications to create a personalized customer experience that fosters customer loyalty and business development.

In a context where new technologies and e-commerce are particularly prevalent, the profiles of customer-focused "Digital Marketers" and e-commerce specialists are particularly sought-after by companies of all sectors and sizes, who find themselves having to manage a shortage of talent in positions requiring a high level of expertise and constant updating of skills in line with technological developments (e.g. Artificial Intelligence) linked to digital technology.

Titre certifié de « Manager du Marketing et de la Relation Client » de l'ICD, enregistré au RNCP n° 38938, niveau 7 (EU), codes NSF 310-312, par décision France Compétences en date du 26/04/2024, éligible CPF4

Ce titre est également accessible par la Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE).


target skills

💡 Developing a customer-focused marketing strategy

1.1 Produce a strategic watch to carry out a strategic diagnosis of the company in order to determine and anticipate major trends in purchasing behavior and market expectations, changes in the organization's environment, as well as new trends and innovations in customer relations.

1.2 Define a customer segmentation illustrated by personas, based on marketing studies and surveys and customer data analysis, to guide strategy.

1.3. Define a customer-centric marketing strategy to serve the objectified global business model and create a differentiating competitive advantage for the company, in compliance with commercial regulations.

1.4. Based on the marketing strategy, draw up an omnichannel sales and marketing action plan for each product/service/customer target pairing, with the aim of winning over and retaining customers.

1.5 Establish a shared customer culture within the company, to promote customer satisfaction.

1.6. Set up a system for analyzing the performance of the sales and marketing action plan, in order to measure any deviations from targets and propose any necessary corrective action.

💡 Piloting customer relations and sales development in an omnichannel context

  • 2.1. Model personalised and combined omnichannel customer journeys to optimise the customer experience by redefining online/offline touch points and communication channels and organising their temporality to enhance customer engagement.
  • 2.2. Develop and deploy personalised relationship marketing and inbound marketing programmes to improve repeat purchases and increase customer lifetime value.
  • 2.3 Recognising business opportunities to identify new prospects and gain market share.
  • 2.4. Develop and manage the implementation of the prospecting plan to ensure the acquisition and conversion of prospects.
  • 2.5. Establish partnership agreements to develop sales.
  • 2.6. On the basis of a complex customer request, prepare an adapted sales proposal, taking into account the needs and problems expressed by the customer.
  • 2.7. Negotiate, in French or in English, with a customer or prospect, following a sales proposal or additional request, in order to finalise the sale and maintain the relationship in accordance with business ethics.
  • 2.8. Organise and implement procedures for the efficient handling of customer requests and disputes in order to improve customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty.
  • 2.9. Optimise customer relationship performance by implementing operational customer relationship management processes and corrective actions aimed at continuously improving the quality of customer relationships and anticipating crisis situations.
  • 2.10. Explain the main elements of content marketing to distribute high value-added content, generate an audience and promote customer engagement.

💡 Manage resources allocated to customer relations

  • 3.1. Manage the operational implementation of the supply chain in project mode, in order to improve the company's competitiveness and propose a differentiating offer.
  • 3.2 Organize the sales and/or marketing department, with the aim of involving teams in effective customer relations management.
  • 3.3 Manage sales and/or marketing teams, with the aim of fostering employee commitment.
  • 3.4. Monitor the achievement of objectives and measure the sales performance of teams, in order to maintain team efficiency.
  • 3.5. Manage internal and external conflicts to ensure team cohesion and motivation.
  • 3.6. Establish and monitor budgets allocated to the development of customer relations, taking into account all the financial resources required for the proper functioning of the actions implemented, by drawing up indicators and management charts enabling trends to be analyzed and, if necessary, proposing adjustments in the event of deviations.
  • 3.7. Draw up dashboards to monitor team activity and customer information, in order to analyze the performance of actions implemented and, if necessary, take appropriate corrective action.

💡 Deploy a digital marketing project to serve customer relations and manage marketing data.

  • 4.1. Diagnose the company's digital maturity, and propose a digital marketing strategy to improve customer relations.
  • 4.2. Manage the collection and processing of customer data, in order to efficiently iterate data for sales and marketing teams, and determine the most appropriate pathways for different customer targets.
  • 4.3 Draw up the specifications for the CRM project, in order to select the offer that will increase the volume of customer data and optimize sales operations.
  • 4.4. Implement a CRM project to collect, analyze and exploit customer data, effectively manage customer interactions and generate new sales.
  • 4.5. Design an action plan for the deployment of the digital strategy, in order to improve the company's online presence and customer experience.
  • 4.6. Define a content strategy (content marketing and brand content), in French or English, adapted to target audiences, in order to gain audience and market share, within budget.
  • 4.7. Deploy digital communication tools, with the aim of quantitatively and qualitatively increasing customer and/or prospect contact points, ensuring their accessibility, including for people with disabilities, and complying with regulations concerning data protection (RGPD) and business ethics practices.
  • 4.8. Following a diagnosis, manage, in project mode, the optimization of the company's website, involving all the stakeholders concerned, in order to develop the fluidity of customer paths, the company's visibility and the volume of sales.
  • 4.9. Select and implement natural or paid search engine optimization techniques to optimize the visibility of the company's website, in order to set up communication gas pedals as part of a customer acquisition and/or customer experience improvement strategy.
  • 4.10. Implement curation and/or content creation actions on social networks, planning and publishing content that meets the objectives of optimizing the customer journey and the operational communication strategy adapted to the various targets.
  • 4.11. Propose impact measurements for the webmarketing and social media strategy, to evaluate the response to the company's objectives and recommend appropriate corrective actions.


Job opportunities

The MBA in Customer Relationship Management and Marketing - Banking specialization is designed to enable you to enter the world of banking. Among the many career opportunities offered by the Master's degree in Banking in Toulouse, you could work in one of the following positions:

  • Customer relations manager
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Customer satisfaction and quality manager
  • CRM Project Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Customer marketing manager
  • Category manager
  • Marketing and customer data manager
  • Business development
  • Sales Manager
  • Engineer
  • Business Manager
  • Market or sector manager
  • Key account manager
  • E-marketing or e-commerce manager
  • SEM digital marketing project manager
  • UX UI Designer
  • CRM Customer Relationship Marketing Consultant

👉 Consult the trade guide



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💡Campus Paris

The Parcours Digital du MBA Manager du Marketing et de la Relation-Client is a comprehensive training program focused on business development issues in an increasingly digitalized context. This program supports managers in acquiring and perfecting the skills they need to develop sales and marketing activities in the digital age.

👉Discover the path





💡Campus Paris

The Luxury Track of the MBA Manager of Marketing and Customer Relations stands out for its specialized approach to the world of luxury. Designed to meet the unique challenges of this demanding sector, the program offers in-depth immersion in marketing and business strategies specific to the luxury world. Students will be introduced to the intricacies of the luxury market, learning to understand the expectations of discerning customers and develop strategic skills to manage prestigious brands.

👉 Discover the path



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💡Campus Toulouse

The International Business Development Course of the MBA Manager of Marketing and Customer Relations at ICD Business School offers specialized training focused on the challenges and opportunities of international business. This entirely taught in English program aims to prepare future leaders to navigate an increasingly globalized business world. Participants will acquire advanced skills in international management, business negotiation and global development strategies.

👉 Discover the path



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Submit the application file in English

For french students : you must apply directly to ICD by contacting ICD Admissions Teams in Paris or in Toulouse
For international students : you must follow the "etudes en France" process with Campus France and apply directly to the ICD Admission Team to attend the admissions test. Our International team will help you to follow the process.

Mandatory documents

  • Completed application form
  • CV
  • Scanned copy of your passport / visa
  • Highest degree certification and certificate of current studies
  • Transcript of your current studies
  • English language certificate (IELTS ≥ 6,5 / TOEFL ≥ 550 or equivalent)


As soon as your application file is registered, you will receive an email from ICD in order to schedule an interview

Final decision

It takes up to 2 weeks following the interview for a decision to be made. An admission letter will be sent by email from ICD once the candidate is admitted. Applicants will be judged on their application file and their interview.


  European Union learner Non European Union learner
Year 1 € 12 000 € 12 000
Year 2 € 12 000 € 12 000



Insertion results measured in 2023

95.50%* integration rate 6 months after certification for the last two graduating classes, based on 660 graduates;

Teaching methods and assessment criteria

For ICD Business School Paris: Work-study training provided by teacher-researchers and professionals in the field of specialization selected to meet the needs of the market and companies.

Modules are delivered through case studies, real-life situations, simulations, serious-games, lectures and company presentations. The program is presented in modules.

Methods used

Technical and human resources

  • Information resource center (infothèque)
  • IT facilities (computer rooms equipped with professional software, Learning Management System, distance learning platforms)
  • Pedagogical team (administration, studies/programs management)

Assessment procedures to obtain the desired certification

Access to certification through training :

Certifying assessments in the form of :

  • Real or reconstructed business cases (written tests), with the possibility of an oral presentation before a jury (depending on the block).
  • Scenario-based role-playing exercises
  • Completion of a consulting assignment carried out by the candidate with a company (written file + oral presentation).

Access to certification through VAE :

  • Eligibility file
  • Presentation of the completed Livret 2 (for the block(s) requested for validation by experience)
  • Oral defense and interview with the VAE jury
  • Access to certification can also be gained through a combination of training (for skills that are not eligible for VAE) and VAE (blocks of skills that have received a favorable opinion at the eligibility stage).