Corporate social responsibility, more commonly known as CSR, has now become a major issue for all organizations. Faced with contemporary and future challenges, companies are now integrating a social, societal, but also environmental dimension into their strategies in order to have a positive impact on the world. This is also the case of the ICD Business School, which places CSR at the heart of its values ​​by integrating it into its training courses, as well as into the life of its campuses.



Corporate societal responsibility also known as Corporate social responsibility encompasses actions implemented by companies for ethical and ecological purposes. In 2011, the European Commission defined CSR as “the responsibility of companies regarding the effects they have on society”.

Organizations therefore apply a societal, social and environmental dimension to their strategies in order to contribute positively to society while developing their activity. It should be noted that CSR today concerns all companies, especially since the 2019 PACTE law which made it a legal obligation: "all French companies, without exception, must "take into consideration" environmental and social issues in the management of their activities”.


CSR has led to many changes in the organization and management of companies. This is why the ICD integrates this notion into its training courses as well as into its pedagogy in order to prepare you for the challenges of tomorrow and to develop your sense of commitment.

You should know that CSR is based on 3 main pillars presented below in more detail.


CSR involves a strong environmental notion so that companies significantly reduce their impact. This notably involves actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, favoring renewable energies, opting for recycling, etc.

? The environmental actions of the ICD

To make you aware of environmental issues, the ICD has decided to opt for an eco-responsible environment within its campuses. This involves various actions, such as:

  • subscription to a digital content platform to reduce paper printing;
  • waste recovery;
  • reducing plastic waste;
  • 100% LED lighting;
  • providing a bicycle shelter;
  • the installation of a book box to encourage barter.
  • In addition, meetings and debates are organized throughout the year on various themes related to environmental issues.



The social pillar of CSR concerns everything related to human issues. These include education, human rights and health.

? The social and societal actions of the ICD

The ICD has been an engaged school since its creation. Several actions have been put in place to allow you to discuss or deal with societal issues, such as inclusion, tolerance or diversity. The objective here is to strengthen your openness to citizenship and your social commitment, as with:

  • the Social Lab, where you can work on social and societal projects or experiment partnerships with associations;
  • practical cases of the NGO Business Game type;
  • the CSR – MESRI seminar, where you are confronted with social issues collectively;
  • the Citizen Workshop;
  • the Sustainable Development & Cultural Diversity seminar, where you carry out a simulation exercise of the work of the United Nations General Assembly;
  • the Hand’IGS mission, to promote access to courses for people with disabilities.


The CSR commitment of companies encourages them to favor the local economy and to show total transparency in their activity.

? The economic actions of the ICD

Aware of the issues, the ICD takes care to choose local suppliers, but also to propose initiatives to highlight local associations. In addition, students in difficulty can access a solidarity grocery store to access food at advantageous prices.

You should also know that CSR is one of the main research axes of the ICD which study circular, social or solidarity economies. These types of economy now represent new alternatives to a more traditional company.


Companies have become aware of the issues related to CSR and are recruiting qualified profiles for this. Indeed, having a strong CSR approach allows a company to enhance its image and develop its growth. It also strongly contributes to attracting the best talents, but also to retaining employees, a crucial point at a time of the talent war!

Faced with the growing role of CSR in organizations, businesses have developed strongly and new ones are appearing. It is now possible to make your interest in societal or environmental issues your job.

There are many and varied opportunities, you can access jobs such as:

  • CSR, sustainable development and innovation project manager;
  • responsible consumption marketing project manager;
  • energy advisor;
  • strategic consultant in CSR;
  • Green consultant;
  • waste treatment engineer...

It is therefore necessary to follow a course that prepares you for the fields of action of CSR, like the Grande Ecole Program of the ICD with the specialization in Supply Chain Management & Purchasing. You’ll then have all the skills to understand the role of CSR in the supply chain.

Do you want to give a meaning to your training course? Join a committed establishment where you can get involved? Come and meet us and discover all of the ICD's training courses!